Launch of factory
The memories are still very vivid of how Caffe Cream began, right down to deciding how we wanted the logo to look. We always kept competition in mind, and wanted to make customers aware that our store wasn’t like any other coffee shop or cafe, but also an ice cream parlour, and after toying around with all sorts of ideas, we decided to settle with a name that got straight to the point, Caffe Cream. As for our logo, we wanted to represent the heritage of New Brighton by including our famous lighthouse.

Since we opened our doors in 2012, we have been amazed and delighted with the level of support that we have received from both the local community and New Brighton day trippers alike. This has meant that we have had queues out the door since opening and have sold a LOT of ice cream. As we use traditional Italian batch production methods, which are very labour intensive, we have sometimes struggled to keep up with demand, particularly during the height of the summer. Despite the fact that we were making ice cream 18 hours a day, 7 days a week (that's 400 litres of ice cream a day!), we could not keep up with demand and would regularly sell out of ice cream by 4pm. This is where the factory comes in. Our new production set up allows us to buy more equipment so that we can make more ice cream without deviating from our traditional batch production methods, and more importantly maintaining the award winning quality that you know and love us for.
Our new factory has also given us the opportunity to develop brand new and exciting recipes, whether that be dog friendly ice cream, or our amazing dairy and gluten free vegan ice cream.

How it helps...
There are two methods of producing ice cream, the first is called continuous production, and is used by the majority of ice cream manufacturers. This process allows a company to create a large amount of ice cream, very quickly, but lacks the quality of traditional Italian batch production. The Italian batch production method, which we use, involves making our tubs of ice cream by hand, including each individual topping and ripple. This production method is how the Italians have done it for centuries, and is the only way to get that authentic italian experience. Never settle for less!

The future..
So what does our new factory mean for the future of Caffe Cream? Since opening the factory in January 2017, we have already opened our second parlour in Birkenhead Park’s Visitor’s Centre. We are also currently working on a never-before-seen ice cream, which you will soon be able to purchase in tubs at our parlours and stores across the country...
The last 5 1/2 years have been the most exciting and rewarding that we have ever experienced as a business, a family and as members of the Wirral community. Our plans for the coming year and beyond are even bigger and bolder and we cannot wait to share them with you. For now, keep checking our Facebook, our Twitter and our Instagram for updates from the team and sneak peaks behind the scenes here at Caffe Cream HQ.
Love Justin and Team Cream x