The Wirral is the third happiest place to live in England! Did you know? According to the Liverpool Echo, the ‘Wirral came first in the North West for happiness’.
We have always been proud of our town, with so much to offer, and such beautiful scenery attracting thousands upon thousands each year to visit solely to sightsee, we are happy that everyone else now knows it too!
The Echo talks about the ranking system in which the Wirral was voted one of the ‘happiest places to live’, over places such as ‘Chester, Southport, and Liverpool’, found from a survey by RightMove. The ‘Happy at Home Index’ ranks places across the UK based on how happy people are with where they live, using 12 factors to judge happiness, including ‘Community spirit...safety...nature and green spaces...local amenities like restaurants and bars.’

The article also included images of Birkenhead Park and New Brighton as part of what was described as some of the Wirral’s ‘stunning scenery’, which we are massively proud to have a store in each location!
It is safe to say that we are in one of the most beautiful and happiest places in the UK, and we love it! But what’s your favourite thing about living on the Wirral? Let us know at hello@caffecream.co.uk!
Team Cream x